News & Updates

  • How Rainfall Affects Soil Erosion
    Rainfall can have a significant impact on erosion, particularly in areas where the soil is exposed and vulnerable to being washed away. Here’s how rainfall affects erosion: Intensity of Rainfall: The intensity of rainfall plays a crucial role in erosion. Heavy rainfall can cause more erosion compared to light rainfall because it exerts greater force… Read more
  • What Makes Filter Socks Essential Tools in Erosion and Sediment Control
    Erosion and sediment control are critical aspects of environmental management, particularly in construction sites, agricultural lands and other areas prone to soil disturbance. One of the most effective tools in this field is the filter sock, a product filled with organic or inorganic materials designed to filter sediment and other pollutants from stormwater runoff.  Filter… Read more
  • Unraveling CORE’s Filter Sock Mesh: How is it Made?
    CORE Erosion Control takes pride in producing the highest quality filter sock mesh on the market. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Lordstown, OH. Behind the high-quality filter sock mesh produced by CORE Erosion Control lies a sophisticated manufacturing process that ensures the product’s superior performance. The process begins… Read more

Filter Socks to Fit Every Application

We don’t just offer erosion control products. We create solutions that protect landscapes. CORE Erosion Control Services was founded on the idea that erosion control should be exceptional, and that’s what we are about.

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Water SupplyPower LinesPipelineLandscapingHighwayExcavatorsConstruction