Visibility of Your Assets from End to End
To get the most from your assets and reduce your supply chain costs, it's important to know what assets you own, where they are located and in what condition they are being maintained.
PalletView™, Millwood's proprietary asset management software system, provides Millwood customers with end-to-end visibility of their pallet pool.
With this unique pallet service, customers can log into the system through a web-based portal and track how many pallets they have under management, the quantity and sizes of pallets at each location and whether those pallets are being sorted, repaired or are available for delivery. The system can also track where the pallets have been delivered and in what quantities.
PalletView™ not only insures accurate billing and accounting, precise inventory control and asset management reduces the number of new pallets that need to be purchased every year to replenish the pool.
For more information about our pallet service, please e-mail a Millwood customer service representative, or us or call us at 1-877-267-3406.